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England my England 1954- 2018

Writer: Kim WheelerKim Wheeler

This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands, This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.

William Shakespeare 

Born in London July 1954 within the sound of Bow Bells and in just five days moved south of the river and into the hell of a children’s home in Ladywell Road, Lewisham with nothing more than the vague promise of life, with no Mother and no Father. 

Sadly today there are more children than there are willing parents wanting to foster/adopt. I had hoped that over the past 64 years this depravity towards the unwanted would have improved but sadly, it has got decidedly worse

In the same year rationing had finally stopped and children still played happily in the bombed out ruins of good old London Town, a bleak, damp, fog filled broken city and with it, a people and one orphaned child full of hope of a better life and future. That was London then and in the video was middle England at the same time, a very different scenario place and attitude.

Hanging, was still allowed. 

There were signs outside rented accommodation, No Irish, No Blacks No Dogs and even said...No Jews

During my lifetime Britain has been involved in no less than twenty seven wars and suffering only five defeats. The NHS was relatively new, just six years old and there were no such thing as benefits perhaps if there had been, young single Mothers such as mine might have been treated differently.

The parks had beautiful flower beds and immaculate lawns cared for by the over officious Park keepers or parkies, and run by the local council. London Zoo housed one too many sideshows of sadness as caged animals paced and stared back grimly and inquisitively at the hordes that stared open mouthed and threw stones to loud applause and guffaws of laughter.

We had the sixties where life just got better then as soon as it did, it was systematically destroyed.

People rallied together working for a better life and greater future for their children, the streets were patrolled by ‘Bobbies’ who were usually friendly and very polite and wouldn’t think twice about clipping a naughty kid around the ear for misbehaving or if needs arose drawing his trusted wooden truncheon to keep order, there was order, there was respect for property and thieves were dealt with severely, nowadays motorists get higher fines than thieves as most cases involving property theft is usually thrown out before it gets anywhere near courts.

We have had riots on an unprecedented scale, streets awash with blood, fires light up the night sky, innocent people run screaming in terror for help. A young soldier almost beheaded by the insane, stabbings are now the norm, acid attacks and the highest crime rate ever recorded as young disillusioned men from broken homes fight each other for no good reason and the people in power, look on and do nothing except take more and more from these poor people, soon there will be none and as a kid who knows about how tough life can be without proper parenting or even having parents.

I certainly know how it feels to not belong and certainly know how easy it is to happily jump through fire to be wanted or loved. It’s how gangs become gangs, all because the fabric of society is and has been diminishing at an alarming rate.

Boys without Fathers need a family as they have become feral without any adults as role models apart from Gangsta’s. Crime rate has soared and there are even ‘no go areas’ in London where the Police fear to tread. Part of the problem is that the Police have lost control of the streets but try finding one when you need one and when the rioters go berserk the police allow the maniacal hordes to ‘carry on unmolested’ and once that was allowed to happen regaining control would be almost impossible.

There is a huge problem in the sense of entitlement and an overly generous and on the whole unmonitored welfare system where nothing is expected or demanded for the weekly/monthly handouts and there is also a huge belief by many of these broken kids that there is something they can take for nothing.

The police screwed up the Brixton riots and then the appalling travesty and racist mess over Stephen Lawrence where the MET was seen to be racist to the core and sadly, parts of it and the army, still are.

Bad and failed immigration policies, the hatred over the years was not just meted out to the black, Irish and Jew, racism has been going on for years and never really stopped. Do you remember ‘partition’ when Britain divided India and after that the influx of immigrants from these countries.

As a sickening gang of 17 men and one woman was convicted over the sexual abuse more than 100 girls some as young as 13 it emerged that many experts believe the horrific list of convictions to be merely the tip of the iceberg.

One former Crown Prosecution Service chief Lord Macdonald of River Glaven admitted that in the past investigations had been hampered by police fears of appearing racist.

And shadow women and equalities secretary Sarah Champion, Labour MP for Rotherham, claimed Asian grooming gangs had been allowed to thrive because people were "more afraid to be called a racist than they are afraid to be wrong about calling out child abuse".

As a result grooming gangs, predominantly run by Asian men, sprang up and operated under the radar in a host of British towns and cities.

The way police and authorities looked the other way despite being inundated with complaints from vulnerable teenage girls is now the stuff of infamy.

Now please watch this..............

Divide and rule was the battle cry then and it is still very much the case today. We are overtly controlled, we have lost the sense of justice and political correctness is now beyond reproach or repair. The NHS is broken, so to the rail system and what about our once proud car industry, Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Bentley, Bristol, Austen, Triumph to name just a few.


Mobile phones did not exist and computers were the size of houses. There were no insidious sites for the vacuous hopeless such as Facebook, Twitter Instagram and anyone caught lip pouting posing selfies would probably be given a slap and told to ‘grow the fuck up.’ Whether you agree or disagree these pithy sites seem to control the idiots mind to the extent of the participant having withdrawal symptoms if they don’t receive their daily dose of the blinding light and the utter crap that poisons even the most intelligent and amiable of minds...(mine not included)

Crime in the 1950’s

Historical crime data offers a damning indictment of modern Britain. In 1950, there were just 14 violent crimes per hundred thousand people. In 1997, that number had risen to 482. In percentage terms, that is a 3200 percent increase.

Even allowing for data weaknesses back in the 1950s, it is incontrovertible that Britain was a safer and more law-abiding place 60 years ago. These shocking numbers point to six decades of unrelenting social disintegration on an unparalleled scale. Back in 1950, the probability of being a victim of violence was almost zero. 

We are a divided nation, we are scared, and we are frightened of the dark. Hate and religious crimes have soared, not helped by the UK’s stance in the middle east, killing millions of innocent while continuing to sell arms to some of the most barbaric regimes in the world and while the UK happily bomb the crap out of the aforementioned Middle east radicalisation has soared and you don’t need to be Einstein to know why and who gets the brunt of all this, the innocent Muslim.

I am certain if we as a nation suffered the kind of pain millions under the British rule had over the last six decades they might have a wiser idea of what harm they are causing, or maybe thats the whole idea, to destabilise everything and everyone in order for the elite to remain elite and the so called Royal family to keep control and breed yet more and more insidious spoilt brats when grown to stand on balconies and wave at the poor fuckers below while they blindly pay for the privilege and the lifestyles they could never afford yet never bat a fucking eyelid at the greed and barbarity of these so called elite. Personally, I would happily slot the lot.

So soon I leave the United Kingdom, an overtly controlled, broken and sad country, perhaps its justified, karma if you like for what she has done to so many over the years. I won’t be sad. I detest the policies of the one eye controlled government who just seem intent on levelling this country and its people of any hope and structure.

I will not be sad to go, just sad to see its demise.

Is this the end so a new beginning can rise Phoenix like from the flames of suffering? I fear not.

So long London, so long my Motherland where I have never once felt like I actually belonged mainly due to the fact, I never did...

I could literally write for days about how our society has been systematically broken but I am more than aware that when you raise issues that people dont like,they tend to brush them under the carpet...they dont dissapear, they stagnate...and unless something happens very soon,you can kiss your happy existence goodbye..then ask Teresa May and the other who YOU chose to govern you, why??

You will not get an honest least the above is...

but..England is my country and it is in parts, still a beautiful country...I wrote the poem below as proof of this...its just so sad that its fallen into disrepair by complete and utter bastards..




©2019 by Kim Wheeler & Zivanka N. W.

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